Digital Mental Health Programs That Improve Member Outcomes

Woman sitting with her child reading

Our confidential, self-directed services, coupled with 24/7 clinician coaching address some of the most common mental health problems members face and remove the greatest barriers to receiving care: stigma, access, and cost.

Our programs and services are easily scaled to suit any size member population for all health plan segments: self-insured, commercial fully insured, Medicare, and Medicaid.

See how digital mental health programs improve member outcomes.

A Trusted Collaborator for Health Plans Across the Nation

Our comprehensive turnkey service and support facilitates go-live in 8 weeks or less. We provide training and operations integration, awareness strategies, bridging to other in-network providers if needed, engagement management, and reporting.

We also offer a suite of fully embedded product integration services such as SSO and API.​

Client quote

Member Engagement is Key to Success

Male sitting on the couch with an iPad

Members actively engage in our programs and services due to compelling self-directed courses and personalized 1:1 live clinician coaching. 

Our members report:

  • 6x higher engagement in our mental health programs and services than traditional options
  • 70% of users have never used or recently engaged in traditional services
  • 91% of users recommend Learn to Live’s programs

See what learn to live members are saying about our programs.

Research-Based Mental Health Services That Deliver Measurable ROI

With much higher utilization rates than face-to-face therapy and other traditional services such as EAP, our programs and coaching significantly reduce the cost of providing care and reduce other medical expenses as a result of mental health improvement.

Our proven results include: 

  • 4x annual ROI
  • 50% improvement in depression and anxiety measures
  • 73% of members move from clinical levels to subclinical levels of suffering
  • 95% of members report achieving their personal goals

See the top 5 reasons member access to digital health care is essential.

Woman sitting on the couch with her iPad

Digital Mental Health at Scale Enables Equity and Access

Our programs and clinician coaching services are accessible anywhere, anytime to support the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of your members regardless of race, ethnicity, geographic location, education, income, and gender.

Compared to in-person therapy, teletherapy, and other options:

  • 76% of members say convenient 24/7 access is an advantage
  • 83% of members say the ability to go at their own pace is an advantage

Breadth of Mental Health Programs and Clinically Proven Depth of Content Supports Your Broad Member Base

Members begin with a 5-minute comprehensive clinical assessment to identify mental health problems that may be affecting them and receive program recommendations based on the results.

Our programs include: 

  • Depression
  • Stress, Anxiety & Worry
  • Social Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Insomnia
  • Substance Use
  • Resilience

Interested in learning more? Connect with the Learn to Live team.

Learn to Live product displayed on a phone, tablet, and computer monitor