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The PSS Scale is reprinted with permission from the American Sociological Association, from Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., and Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 386-396.
GAD developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational grant from Pfizer Inc. No permission required to reproduce, translate, display or distribute.
The PHQ is used with permission from Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Psychiatric Annals 2002;32:509-521.
Permission to use the SPIN obtained from the copyright holder. Copyright Jonathan Davidson © 1995, 2019, 2021. All rights reserved.
The MOS Sleep Scale is used with permission from the Rand Corporation.
Brown RL, Leonard T, Saunders LA, Papasouliotis O. The prevalence and detection of substance use disorder among inpatients ages 18 to 49: an opportunity for prevention. Preventive Medicine. 1998;27:101-110
Miller, W.R., Tonigan, J.S., & Longabaugh, R. (1995). The Drinker Inventory of Consequences (DrInC): An instrument for assessing adverse consequences of alcohol use. Test manual (vol. 4). Rockville, MD: NIAAA.
The Panic Disorder Severity Scale – Self Report Form is copyrighted by M. Katherine Shear, M.D. Permission has been granted by Dr. Shear to reproduce this instrument for use by Learn to Live, Inc. for a limited purpose. For other uses of this instrument, the owner of the copyright must be contacted.
Oishi, S., & Westgate, E. C. (2022). A psychologically rich life: Beyond happiness and meaning. Psychological Review, 129, 790-811.
Detailed Assessments
Depression Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-4 |
Minimal depression |
Your depression level appears to be minimal. You may find that you look forward to most days and only get discouraged at times. |
5-9 |
Mild depression |
Your depression level appears to be mild. You may feel somewhat down, irritable, or drained at times. There may be other times when you feel more optimistic or energetic. |
10-14 |
Moderate depression |
Your depression level appears to be moderate. You may feel discouraged and less enjoyment of life fairly often. Depression may be affecting you physically through sleep or energy issues. |
15-19 |
Moderately severe depression |
Your depression level appears to be moderately severe. You may feel quite discouraged, irritable, and worn-down most of the time. Your body may reflect the depression in sleep, energy, and/or concentration problems. |
20-27 |
Severe depression |
Your depression level appears to be severe. You may feel very sad, irritable, or numb. Your sleep, energy, appetite, and concentration are likely a problem. Consider seeking treatment by a mental health or medical professional. Our Depression Program is available as a secondary resource. |
Score Range
Minimal depression
What does this mean?
Your depression level appears to be minimal. You may find that you look forward to most days and only get discouraged at times.
Score Range
Mild depression
What does this mean?
Your depression level appears to be mild. You may feel somewhat down, irritable, or drained at times. There may be other times when you feel more optimistic or energetic.
Score Range
Moderate depression
What does this mean?
Your depression level appears to be moderate. You may feel discouraged and less enjoyment of life fairly often. Depression may be affecting you physically through sleep or energy issues.
Score Range
Moderately severe depression
What does this mean?
Your depression level appears to be moderately severe. You may feel quite discouraged, irritable, and worn-down most of the time. Your body may reflect the depression in sleep, energy, and/or concentration problems.
Score Range
Severe depression
What does this mean?
Your depression level appears to be severe. You may feel very sad, irritable, or numb. Your sleep, energy, appetite, and concentration are likely a problem.
Consider seeking treatment by a mental health or medical professional. Our Depression Program is available as a secondary resource.
Anxiety Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-4 |
Low anxiety |
Your anxiety level appears to be low. You may feel calm and unpressured most of the time. |
5-9 |
Mild anxiety |
Your anxiety level appears to be mild. You may feel nervous, worried, or pressured occasionally, but are calm much of the time. |
10-14 |
Moderate anxiety |
Your anxiety level appears to be moderate. You may feel anxious, worried, and pressured, likely with difficulty relaxing. |
15-21 |
Severe anxiety |
Your anxiety level appears to be quite high. You may be quite anxious, worried, and pressured a great deal of the time. Your level of functioning and relationships may be impacted. |
Score Range
Low anxiety
What does this mean?
Your anxiety level appears to be low. You may feel calm and unpressured most of the time.
Score Range
Mild anxiety
What does this mean?
Your anxiety level appears to be mild. You may feel nervous, worried, or pressured occasionally, but are calm much of the time.
Score Range
Moderate anxiety
What does this mean?
Your anxiety level appears to be moderate. You may feel anxious, worried, and pressured, likely with difficulty relaxing.
Score Range
Severe anxiety
What does this mean?
Your anxiety level appears to be quite high. You may be quite anxious, worried, and pressured a great deal of the time. Your level of functioning and relationships may be impacted.
Social Anxiety Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-18 |
Minimal social anxiety |
Your social anxiety level appears to be minimal. You may be able to interact with others comfortably. |
19-30 |
Mild social anxiety |
Your social anxiety level appears to be mild. You may have difficulty at times either meeting new people or speaking up in a group. You might feel that you are able to manage it but you may miss out socially at times. |
31-40 |
Moderate social anxiety |
Your social anxiety level appears to be moderate. You may have difficulty engaging with others. You might be prone to avoid some social situations and you may feel lonely at times as a result. |
41-50 |
Severe social anxiety |
Your social anxiety level appears to be severe. You may have a high level of difficulty in a wide range of social situations. Your sense of isolation may be very difficult for you. |
51-68 |
Very severe social anxiety |
Your social anxiety level appears to be severe. You may have great difficulty in interacting with others. You may be very isolated and at risk of getting depressed. |
Score Range
Minimal social anxiety
What does this mean?
Your social anxiety level appears to be minimal. You may be able to interact with others comfortably.
Score Range
Mild social anxiety
What does this mean?
Your social anxiety level appears to be mild. You may have difficulty at times either meeting new people or speaking up in a group. You might feel that you are able to manage it but you may miss out socially at times.
Score Range
Moderate social anxiety
What does this mean?
Your social anxiety level appears to be moderate. You may have difficulty engaging with others. You might be prone to avoid some social situations and you may feel lonely at times as a result.
Score Range
Severe social anxiety
What does this mean?
Your social anxiety level appears to be severe. You may have a high level of difficulty in a wide range of social situations. Your sense of isolation may be very difficult for you.
Score Range
Very severe social anxiety
What does this mean?
Your social anxiety level appears to be severe. You may have great difficulty in interacting with others. You may be very isolated and at risk of getting depressed.
Stress Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-13 |
Low stress |
Your perceived stress level appears to be low. You may have few challenges in life right now, or you may already know how to manage your responsibilities skillfully & calmly. |
14-26 |
Moderate stress |
Your perceived stress level appears to be moderate. You may feel somewhat overloaded with the challenges in your life right now, regardless of how others may see your obligations. |
27-40 |
High stress |
Your perceived stress level appears to be high. You may feel overwhelmed with the challenges in your life right now, whether or not others know it. |
Score Range
Low stress
What does this mean?
Your perceived stress level appears to be low. You may have few challenges in life right now, or you may already know how to manage your responsibilities skillfully & calmly.
Score Range
Moderate stress
What does this mean?
Your perceived stress level appears to be moderate. You may feel somewhat overloaded with the challenges in your life right now, regardless of how others may see your obligations.
Score Range
High stress
What does this mean?
Your perceived stress level appears to be high. You may feel overwhelmed with the challenges in your life right now, whether or not others know it.
Insomnia Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-27 |
Minimal insomnia |
Your sleep concern level appears to be minimal. You may find that you sleep well most of the time and rarely feel fatigued during the day. |
28-43 |
Mild insomnia |
Your sleep concern level appears to be mild. You may have modest trouble sleeping at times. There may be other times when you sleep well and feel rested. |
44-60 |
Moderate insomnia |
Your sleep concern level appears to be moderate. You may feel frustrated about difficulties falling or staying asleep fairly often. You may often feel tired during the day. |
61-100 |
Severe insomnia |
Your sleep concern level appears to be severe. You likely feel quite troubled about your difficulty falling asleep or getting back to sleep after waking. Your body may often be tired during the day, and you may have concentration and performance problems. |
Score Range
Minimal insomnia
What does this mean?
Your sleep concern level appears to be minimal. You may find that you sleep well most of the time and rarely feel fatigued during the day.
Score Range
Mild insomnia
What does this mean?
Your sleep concern level appears to be mild. You may have modest trouble sleeping at times. There may be other times when you sleep well and feel rested.
Score Range
Moderate insomnia
What does this mean?
Your sleep concern level appears to be moderate. You may feel frustrated about difficulties falling or staying asleep fairly often. You may often feel tired during the day.
Score Range
Severe insomnia
What does this mean?
Your sleep concern level appears to be severe. You likely feel quite troubled about your difficulty falling asleep or getting back to sleep after waking. Your body may often be tired during the day, and you may have concentration and performance problems.
Substance Use Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0 |
Low consequences from substance use |
Your use of substances has likely been well-controlled. You know when to stop and then can follow through with your plan to stop. Your relationships, work life, health, and safety do not seem to be harmed by substances. |
1-10 |
Mild consequences from substance use |
You may have had mild problems from your use of alcohol or drugs. Maybe you are using substances at times when you did not intend to and drank or used more than you planned. Your work, finances, or relationships may have suffered a bit. |
11-20 |
Moderate consequences from substance use |
You (or others) are likely concerned about your drinking or substance use. Your use has likely gotten out of control at times, maybe impacting your finances, health, and work. Your drinking or drug use may have also damaged or prevented relationships. |
21-45 |
Severe consequences from substance use |
Alcohol or drug use appears to be creating severe problems for you. You also view your life as being damaged by your use. Your finances, relationships, work, and health may all be severely affected. Because of the level of your difficulties, consider consulting a licensed substance use counselor. Our Substance Use Program can be a secondary resource. |
Score Range
Low consequences from substance use
What does this mean?
Your use of substances has likely been well-controlled. You know when to stop and then can follow through with your plan to stop. Your relationships, work life, health, and safety do not seem to be harmed by substances.
Score Range
Mild consequences from substance use
What does this mean?
You may have had mild problems from your use of alcohol or drugs. Maybe you are using substances at times when you did not intend to and drank or used more than you planned. Your work, finances, or relationships may have suffered a bit.
Score Range
Moderate consequences from substance use
What does this mean?
You (or others) are likely concerned about your drinking or substance use. Your use has likely gotten out of control at times, maybe impacting your finances, health, and work. Your drinking or drug use may have also damaged or prevented relationships.
Score Range
Severe consequences from substance use
What does this mean?
Alcohol or drug use appears to be creating severe problems for you. You also view your life as being damaged by your use. Your finances, relationships, work, and health may all be severely affected.
Because of the level of your difficulties, consider consulting a licensed substance use counselor. Our Substance Use Program can be a secondary resource.
Panic Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
0-1 |
Minimally impacted by panic |
Panic is not likely impacting your life significantly. Either you do not have panic attacks, you do not fear them, or both. |
2-9 |
Mildly impacted by panic |
It appears that you have mild panic concerns. You may have a panic attack on occasion and your experiences might be mildly impacted by fear of a panic attack or by modest avoidance. |
10-13 |
Moderately impacted by panic |
Your score suggests that you are experiencing moderate impact of panic. You may often be concerned about the next panic attack and how it will upset your work or social life. The anxiety about panic or avoidance may reduce your quality of life. |
14-17 |
Severely impacted by panic |
You are likely severely troubled by panic, both the panic itself and fear of the next attack. You may spend time planning how to feel safe, say no to outings, and try to cover it all up. Your school, work, or social life may be affected by this. |
18-28 |
Very severely impacted by panic |
Panic is impacting your life very severely, according to your scores. You may live in dread of the next panic attack. You plan your life around preventing panic and hide your battle with it. Your quality of life may be greatly reduced. |
Score Range
Minimally impacted by panic
What does this mean?
Panic is not likely impacting your life significantly. Either you do not have panic attacks, you do not fear them, or both.
Score Range
Mildly impacted by panic
What does this mean?
It appears that you have mild panic concerns. You may have a panic attack on occasion and your experiences might be mildly impacted by fear of a panic attack or by modest avoidance.
Score Range
Moderately impacted by panic
What does this mean?
Your score suggests that you are experiencing moderate impact of panic. You may often be concerned about the next panic attack and how it will upset your work or social life. The anxiety about panic or avoidance may reduce your quality of life.
Score Range
Severely impacted by panic
What does this mean?
You are likely severely troubled by panic, both the panic itself and fear of the next attack. You may spend time planning how to feel safe, say no to outings, and try to cover it all up. Your school, work, or social life may be affected by this.
Score Range
Very severely impacted by panic
What does this mean?
Panic is impacting your life very severely, according to your scores. You may live in dread of the next panic attack. You plan your life around preventing panic and hide your battle with it. Your quality of life may be greatly reduced.
Resilience Assessment
Score Range |
Level |
What Does This Mean? |
36-49 |
You view your life as very pleasant, meaningful, and interesting. |
You may look forward to tomorrow. You likely bounce back from setbacks. You may often see an important purpose in your life. Your connections to others may be strong. |
21-35 |
You view your life as somewhat pleasant, meaningful, and interesting. |
You may feel like you are free of severe depression or anxiety but still not fully satisfied with your life. You are likely getting by without major problems, but you sometimes wish for a bit more. |
0-20 |
You view your life as not pleasant, not meaningful, and not interesting. |
You are likely not enjoying your days. You may find that setbacks often leave you feeling defeated, and you wish you had more purpose and direction. You may lack closeness in your relationships with others. |
Score Range
You view your life as very pleasant, meaningful, and interesting.
What does this mean?
You may look forward to tomorrow. You likely bounce back from setbacks. You may often see an important purpose in your life. Your connections to others may be strong.
Score Range
You view your life as somewhat pleasant, meaningful, and interesting.
What does this mean?
You may feel like you are free of severe depression or anxiety but still not fully satisfied with your life. You are likely getting by without major problems, but you sometimes wish for a bit more.
Score Range
You view your life as not pleasant, not meaningful, and not interesting.
What does this mean?
You are likely not enjoying your days. You may find that setbacks often leave you feeling defeated, and you wish you had more purpose and direction. You may lack closeness in your relationships with others.
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